November is known for being a rainy month, too warm for snow, but oh that cold cold rain. It's mother nature settling in for winter and it has us scrambling to winterize the house. Something of course we should have done in October, but hey there were days we could still have the windows open, and who wants to put up heavier curtains when the sun is still shining out beautifully.
This is a great time to make Math real and understandable. The same with Sciences... all sorts of Earth Sciences are teachable and are likely to really sink in with keeping the subject close to the season.
You can do experiments on erosion – as the rain will carry away leaves and then some top soil if there isn't grass. Other things that can be done is experiments with expansion, and how a water filled bottle will need to be filled less if it is to be frozen to keep it from bursting out the top.
A little less messy is this one...soaking some Indian corn in a bit of water to see what happens.... Using a large tray with a paper towel, and ¼ to ½ an inch of water...pour water over the cob every couple of days and see what happens.
This has been a great way to use the cob of corn that fell off the door and it's been a fun experiment that the kids have gotten into with gusto. They also have wanted to do this with Maple seeds they brought in and used on artwork (Elmers Glue soaks right off) and with Acorns. Within a few days we've gotten seedlings on the Maple seeds but not the Acorns. These can be transplanted into milk cartons for a winter garden, however unless you have a greenhouse, the Indian corn is not a likely candidate for windowsill gardening.