Wednesday, September 24, 2014

A Rainbow of Gifts and Talents

Homeschoolers comes in a rainbow of gifts and talents. Some are gifted mathematicians, some hate math. Some take hours to complete a lesson and others zip right through them. Some need remedial help. Some have physical challenges. Some are gung ho and some are burned out. Some are sweet all day and others need a nap twice a day. Despite their gifts and talents or lack thereof, all are unique and precious. They just want to know you believe in them.

Special needs learning represents a great many homeschoolers. Parents who homeschool their special needs child feel they can give their child more attention and a better quality education because they have their child’s best interest at heart. They understand their child’s needs. They know their child can achieve whatever they set their mind to. They sound like every other homeschool child to to achieve whatever they set their mind to. Isn’t it wonderful that kids can be taught in an atmosphere where the sky's the limit. They are nurtured and expected to achieve, so they do, regardless of their special education needs or their academic giftedness.