What is waste? Waste is anything we throw away or get rid of. Do you know about Reduce, Reuse, Recycle?
Introduce your kids to the terms and encourage them to practice the three R's of waste management. Practicing all three of these activities every day is not only important for a healthy environment, but it can also be fun too.
· Reduce-To make something smaller or use less, resulting in a smaller amount of waste.
· Reuse- You can "reuse" materials in their original form instead of throwing them away, or pass those materials on to others who could use them too! Remember, one man's trash is another man's treasure! It is fun to reuse things when you are crafting.
· Recycle-Don’t just toss everything in the trash. Lots of things (like cans, bottles, paper, and cardboard) can be remade into the same item or something new. Making new items from recycled ones also takes less energy and fewer resources than making products from brand new materials.
Here are fun 3 R songs your kids might enjoy singing.
EnviroKid (to the tune of Itsy Bitsy Spider)
Pesticides and dog poop
Soap and oil and dirt
Can go down the storm drains
What will they hurt?
Fish, birds and harbor seals,
Eagles, deer and squid.
Think before you use things
Be an EnviroKid!
Recycle and Reuse (to the tune of BINGO)
If you see *paper*, pick it up and put it in its place,
and put it in its place.
(*Replace paper with bottles, pop cans and cardboard.)
If your feet outgrow your shoes, do you know what to do?
and give them to Goodwill.
Recycle Boogie (to the tune of Hokey Pokey)
You put your plastic in, but take the caps off. You put your plastic in and recycle all about.
Do the recycle boogie and recycle all around, that’s what it’s all about (clap, clap).
You put your paper in, but keep the garbage out. You put the paper in and recycle all about.
Do the recycle boogie and recycle all around, that’s what it’s all about (clap, clap).
You put your cans in, but you smash them first. You put your cans in and recycle all about.
Do the recycle boogie and recycle all around, that’s what it’s all about (clap, clap).
Reduce, Recycle and Reuse (to the tune of Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star)
Reduce, recycle and reuse,
Be smart with the things you choose.
Recycle paper, cans and tin,
Throw the cardboard boxes in.
Reduce, recycle and reuse,
And our earth we will not lose.
Recycle, recycle show you care.
Save some water, land, and air.
Paper, plastic, things we buy,
Can be recycled if we try.
Recycle, recycle show you care.
Save some water, land and air (and electricity!)